Tag Archive: emergence.

Innovation Time

Behavioral Economic research reveals that time pressure and monetary incentives both trigger analytical thinking instead of creative flowing. There is often a tremendous amount of time gathering all the information relevant to a creation. Then the ideas seem to emerge fully formed and plop into the conscious mind ready for action. That can’t be scheduled. …

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Permanent link to this article: http://agency.thrivable.net/innovation-time/

Collaboration Improv

Collaboration doesn’t have easy replicable recipes for success. People are involved. The answers aren’t known. It is a complex adaptive learning system. Emergence happens. So we don’t know how to adjust those knobs and dials of the collaboration mixing board in precise ways. We can know some principles to act on, just like Improv does. Then, …

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Permanent link to this article: http://agency.thrivable.net/collaboration-improv/