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Date registered: October 17, 2012

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  1. Productivity and Serendipity — April 17, 2013
  2. 10 Ways to Improve Your Productivity and Strengthen Self Discipline — April 1, 2013
  3. Peer-Working — March 19, 2013
  4. Overcoming the Limits to Self Discipline — March 18, 2013
  5. Productivity Recovery — March 12, 2013

Author's posts listings

Creative Resourcing

Can you move your resources around to fit your needs? It cost me time and energy to start The Agency. I already had the computer, the domain, knowledge about how to build a website. I learned how to integrate the software systems and use the mailing service. I had ten years of experience and skill …

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In building The Agency, I wondered, “how do I accelerate the progress of our clients?” I also wondered, “how do I help them capitalize on their assets without requiring significant additional investment of resources?” And, “how do I connect my clients with available resources within my network to catalyze their progress?” The Agency focuses on …

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Small Experiments

Breaking down big decisions into small iterative steps to experiment helps discover whether there is indeed a fit for your offering. The Agency itself is designed as small experiments to test what works and build upon that. When we have small experiments, it can feel like the stakes are not as high, allowing more room …

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Facing Gritty Reality

(nods to Jim Collins) In crowdfunding and social entrepreneurial efforts, are we being honest about the challenges and aware of how much fails for each one that succeeds? While the fabulous hype and excitement around these endeavors provides actionable energy, wise action comes from facing the gritty reality of what is. Where are you facing …

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Collaboration Mixing Board

Collaboration. What questions help us get there? Imagine a mixing board for designing collaboration. How do you adjust the knobs and dials? What are the readings you get? And then what does that sound like? Certain combinations produce proven harmonic sounds. Open Source or Open Space, for example. But we don’t live in a one-collaboration sound fits …

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Give and Get Support

Give and Get Support. When you have people around you supporting your actions and way of being, you can do all sorts of things you couldn’t do alone. It can seem like taking time away from doing tasks doesn’t move your forward. We find in The Agency that the experience of feeling supported by others …

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Defining Collaboration

Collaboration. What do we mean? Hot word now, but does it mean less than gets bandied about? Putting it in context with terms such as collective, cooperation, connected, and community might help achieve some discernment. To me the critical distinction is whether the process is iterative where all parties contribute to what is generated by …

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Defining Social Capital

Social capital. What is it? Social capital can be the value of our social networks. And there are, within that, a wide spread of definitions. I’d say it is the use of relationships to store value shared between people which can be applied later within a gift economy framework. But if you show up at …

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Being a Contribution

People want to be a contribution. This comes from Art of Possibility. Ben tells a lovely story about biking where he got a flat tire. He went to a gas station to pump up the tire. The air pump costs $.25 or whatever. He didn’t have change. He asked if they could make change. They sadly …

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Epic Win!

“What is all this talk about an epic win? Sounds great. What do you mean?” Games are designed, often, to get you to the epic win! You defeat the monster at the end of the course. You built skills along the way and then proved you could use them against something big and atrocious. When …

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